Some fun Stuff For the New Year

Howdy Partners!!
I was b-boppin around MSN Spaces and I found some stuff on Jolie Mae’s site who found it on Carlo’s site and it is the Sexy Name Decoder, Monster Name Decoder and Cyborge Name Decoder. Here is what showed up for my name and aka’s…

Tantalizing One Bestowing Yeses


Guy Offering Intense Naughty Gratification

Technician Optimized for Battle and Yelling


Bloke Incomparably Giving Gratification and Erotic Recreation

Grim Oblivion-Inflamed Nun-Grabbing Baby-Injuring Ghoul from the Gloomy Enchanted Ruin



Go and see what your name’s are!!

So what is new in the world of goingbigger, hmmmm, not a whole lot.

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