OdySea Aquarium in VR (360 Video)

2017 Spring Break Vacation in Mesa Arizona

This blog post is late in writing because of all the videos accompanying it. This past April, the family traveled back to Arizona to see grandparents and more adventure. Typically, we’d see some sights, play in the community pool and take a bit of a road trip somewhere so this trip consisted of much more…

Cichlid Tank Update March 2015

Just a quick update tonight, while I pay mediocre attention to Walking the Nile, the live plants are doing ok but look as if they’re molding a bit. They might be removed if the water can’t be cleaned better. The water changes help yet it feels like a losing battle. Ah well. The fish, Jack…

Fish Tank Fun During #SharkWeek

I’ve been enthralled in Discovery’s Shark Week. Despite the fake “Submarine” documentary, which many hate and I enjoyed because its realistic nature, there is still so much to enjoy about a tradition I’ve come to enjoy each and every year. This year, while watching the first episodes of Shark Week, I decided to stick the…

Jewels Cichlids laid Eggs

One day after adding flat rock behind the castle, in a tank that’s only 3 months old, our Jewels laid their second, the first set didn’t last long, batch of eggs. It’s hard to see but the reddish rocks behind the castle is where the fish humping took place. Joy and I thought about posting…

Watch “My New World Cichlid Tank” on YouTube

I just took a short video of our New World Cichlid tank. The tank stats are: – 92 gallon corner tank – API XPL filter will ceramic rings and sponges – LED lights with glass top & 2 heaters From what I’ve read, this being my first tank, priests like natural looking tank escaping but…

The 92 corner tank is a bit cloudy

On day day 3 of the fish tank setup and the micro bubbles have stopped but now it’s cloudy. I was reading over at cichlid-forum.com that it should clear up with carbon. The filter has carbon is in the filter so it is probably just a matter of time before. LOL I’m a bit impatient.…