I Made it on the Newspaper’s Frontpage

Since owning the copter, I’ve had many opportunities to share in the hobby, film videos from a unique perspective, grow as a GoPro user, and now receiving some love from the Everett Herald. A few weeks ago, Dan, a reporter from the Everett Herald, reached out to Mickie and I regarding our real estate videos…

My Side Work Project is Coming Along

After college I started getting into SEO and social media market, even before there was such a term, and it lead to doing off-site SEO for startups, myself, and friend’s websites. After a period of time and with all Google’s algorythym updates I became less interested in doing SEO for others. Since then, I’ve doing…

So I have Been Thinking Again

My hair brain idea to start a weed site has started to take shape. The designer has been hard at work and the site is set for a second design meeting. The shape has come along and I think it will do well for marijuana sales in Washington. Why I know people who don’t approve…

Daily life can be a complete challenge

Well I am still looking for a new job. The real estate industry seems to go from bad, to worse, to completed messed up. It makes it hard to stay motivated when there is really nothing going on, hence blogging from my office. I’ve been applying at Microsoft and looking at their career website almost…

Fuck a Payday…Grab an AK

Why does work think it can just butt in and take up all my free time? I do not know but lately there has been little time to do fun things. Well that is not totally true but pretty darn close. I have been working on projects, joining networking groups, hitting seminars and trying to…

Looking for a new jobby job

Lately I have been opening my options to leave the real estate industry and pursue a marketing position elsewhere. It sucks looking for a job, filling out profiles, uploading resume (which never formats correctly), search job listings, add to job cart, submit and rinse and repeat. I started in January 08 rewriting my resume and…


Work is so tough fight now and my stress level is just about to break me down. The office is struggling because of current market conditions and in combination of a handful of crappy agents. Don’t get me wrong, the office has some great people and we do business is just that it isn’t enough…

Work Overload

Blogging has become a way of life for me over the past two years and from it I have met many awesome people. This blog was my first one and since then I have expanded to create a local real estate blog, two MySpace blogs and two YouTube Vlogs (though it is used more for…

TW Resource Group

Chris and I have been working on our small business marketing website/space for the past week. It has come along ways since its first conception and finally is starting to look like something. In recent months it didn’t get a lot of attention because Chris and I have been busy in other areas of our…

Today I got a call…

Today I got a call from a client I have been working with regarding the website my biz partner and I are designing for her. She is completely unhappy in the way I have been designing the homepage and is disappointed because she does think she has gained no value from my services. It is pretty disheartening because all the work i…

Winter Blast Dec 1 2005

It is finally snowing here in Kirkland and I just made plans to go up to Stevens Pass on Wednesday!! YEA BUDDY!! My walk around town was enjoyable and it gave me time to take a few pics. If it keeps coming down I will go out there and take some more 🙂 With any…

It’s Official

Today was my last day with Starbucks Coffee Company and I have to say that I have never worked with such fine people. They were everything I could ever have hoped for and treated me very well.   I knew earlier this week that they were throwing me a pizza party. That was cool in…

What’s that you say?

Blogging for fun? What’s that? It seems like I have been so busy these past few days working more on BARE’s real estate directory I haven’t had time to buzz around and bug people. Please forgive my absence. It is late now and i just finished going through 29 emails. Having a full time job,…

A Friday Work Night

I just finished the BARE’s Relief Event letter and it available for viewing, in pdf, at the Barnett Associates Relief Event page. That page is now my next priority. We have a meeting tomorrow to outline implementation plan, i will have an agenda, and to conduct task deligation. Our goal is to be totally prepared…